Archive for: survival training




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Wilderness Survival Training

Wilderness Survival Training

In the Santa Cruz mountains. Can’t think of a better place for it. These folks run a five hour class on surviving in the wild, as the native Americans might have. My guess is that they’ll be on the crunchy-granola side of things, but that’s fine by me. If the edible plants class we took [...]


Living off the Land (sorta)

This looks incredibly cool: Edible and Medicinal Wild Plants.The rhetoric is a bit frou-frou-feel-good, but the actual lesson looks great. They take you around and show you which local plants are edible or medicinal, like the name says. The next taster/intro class is February 6th, somewhere in the East Bay. I’m thinking this is a [...]

The Plan

The Plan

Because when the zombies attack, I want to survive. I’m not saying the Zombie Apocalypse is happening in six months (I’m also not saying it’s not, because, really, who can predict zombies?). But I plan to be ready — within six months. Which means learning the skills necessary to survive. Marksmanship? Absolutely. Cardio? Also a [...]